Happy 2009 and a half...

Otra Nochevieja a destiempo
It's New Year again in Berchules, the neighbouring village to our own, where they've been celebrating Noche Vieja on the first weekend of August for the past 15 years. The midsummer Hogmanay thing regularly draws about ten thousand people to this village of perhaps nine hundred residents, and the resulting night-long revelry includes the uvas de la suerte, various silly performances (in the shot above, it's three queens corresponding to the three kings at Christmas), lots of noise and plenty of alcohol. This year the fiesta was somewhat subdued due to the wildfire which has been raging below the village - it's apparently still smouldering away, although it's now under control. Here's a shot of the hillside provided by our friends Carol and Stan; the fire got very close to homes and hundreds were evacuated.

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