October half-term availability

The English, Welsh and Scottish schools half-term holidays are fairly spread out this year, and we've currently got availability for the main English week and weeks either side. Currently the house is:

- Booked for w/c 13th (Glasgow and other perverse bits of Scotland)
- Free for w/c 20th (Edinburgh and most of the rest of Scotland)
- Free for w/c 24th (some rogue counties in Northern England and Wales)
- Free for week commencing 27th October (London and most of the rest of England)

Apologies to the Irish and the rest of the world, but I can't be finding everyone's holibags for them and presumably you've already got the dates red-lettered on your calendars anyway. As for the poor old Spanish, they don't get half-term.

So knock yourself out and book a restful week in a beautiful house in an authentic Andalucian hill village. The kids can practice Spanish with the villagers while you enjoy the breathtaking view from the terrace and indulge in a few glasses of the idiosyncratic local wine. Flights should still be cheap for most weeks if you book now.

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