More Monster of Motril

The serpent story in Motril just gets better and better. Here's Fina, one of the more vociferous of the tenants at Los Pisillos, getting a wee shot in the fire department's hydraulic lift to look for the snakes, despite suffering from vertigo and an apparent inability to shut up. She didn't see a thing - "ni la madre ni sus hijas". However, the firemen planted a trap for La Señora on the roof, in the form of a cage containing a live rabbit. The idea is she'll slide through the bars and swallow the unfortunate creature, whereupon she'll be too big to get out again for at least two days. This plan doesn't take the "daughters" into account; the Motrileños assume the baby snakes will just die when they're deprived of mother's milk. Even funnier though - they were going to try this plan with two hamsters, rather than a rabbit. The hamsters escaped in the town hall and are still at large somewhere amongst the municipal paperwork, breeding. You really could not make it up. I love Andalucia.

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