Easter in Berlin

Just for a change, we went somewhere other than the Alpujarra for Easter Weekend. Namely, Berlin. As this is casasierra and not berghaus, I won't go in to detail, but it is a fantastic city and I'd recommend it highly. We stayed in funky Prenzlauer Berg, not far from the Fernsehentum (pictured), ate currywurst and marvelled at the astonishingly efficient public transport system. I drank lots of beer, and managed to half forget our wedding anniversary.

It's the first time in almost three years we've been abroad to somewhere that wasn't the Alpujarra. Simultaneously, someone else was staying in our house in Juviles, and paying us money to do so, hurrah. A few more bookings and we can spend more time in interesting alternative places. On the other hand, I can't wait to get back to Granada in late June. God, it's more than twelve weeks away....

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